Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Shade Pages

I've added a couple new pages to the website that wrap up the latest sequence.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cimabue and Giotto

I was playing with style here by laying down the paper with a layer of graphite dust and bringing out highlights from that before scanning to photoshop. I was trying to James Jean but it turned into more of a Mannerist/Arthur Rackham. Interesting, though.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sketch Crawl San Francisco

Thanks to JGR for joining me for Sketch Crawl. It was fun to rub shoulders with some of the greats from Dreamworks and Pixar. From the sketches below, it will be evident what a beautiful day Saturday was for laying about in Washington Square drinking beers and sketching Bags players.

Also some additional concept art: